Kirja-arvostelu: Matthew Goodwin 2023. ”Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics”

Marko Forsell

Britannian kansallinen keskustelukulttuuri on uudelleenmuokattu heijastamaan uuden eliitin arvoja. Tämä uusi eliitti koostuu yhdistelmästä uuden oikeiston markkinaliberalismia ja uuden vasemmiston radikaalia kulttuuriliberalismia. Monet Britannian kansalaiset eivät enää tunnista näitä arvoja omikseen, ja heidän äänensä tuntuu jäävän kuulematta päivän politiikassa. Useat kokevat, etteivät kykene ilmaisemaan aitoja huolenaiheitaan ja näkemyksiään avoimesti, joten he päätyvät vaientamaan itsensä.

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From Virtual to Reality: The Transformative IoT creating a Connected World

Sadikshya Satyal

“Hey Siri, what is the weather outside?”. It has been so easy to just speak and listen to the answers we wonder for. Speaking of convenience, how was your morning coffee? Did Alexa brew it good? IoT has made our life so easy. One command and simple daily tasks are done. From waking up in the morning until we sleep, we use IoT integrated devices to live a comfortable life. In the present, there are more devices than humans.

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Lastensairaalassa kattavat palvelut lapsille, nuorille ja heidän perheilleen

Soili Vuollo

Työelämäjaksoni toteutui Soiten lastensairaalassa kevään 2023 aikana. Lastensairaala tarjoaa laajat ja kattavat palvelut lapsille, nuorille ja heidän perheilleen. Käyn läpi kokemuksiani eri osa-alueista sairaalassa. Lopussa nostan esille lastenhoitotyön perustan, jonka päälle palvelut rakentuvat.

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New customer-oriented practices and products for the social and health care industry

Testing the virtual environments

Heidi Kaartinen
Heidi Hintsala

Testing the virtual environments

Technology-driven products and services are popping up like mushrooms in the rain, but what are the processes behind their development and how can they meet the needs of the social and health care sector? The HIPPA-Remote project has studied and supported user-driven, health-safe and resource-wise product development in the social and health care sector by companies and service providers through remote and hybrid development services.

Jatka lukemista ”New customer-oriented practices and products for the social and health care industry”

Will NIS 2 be as problematic as the NIS 1 directive?

Iurii Fedorenko

The NIS 1 directive is one of the legislative measures introduced by the EU in 2016, which was met with positive anticipation. This directive aimed to enhance cyber resilience across the EU, especially within critical sectors such as healthcare, energy, and transportation etc. The directive proposed a common framework that would harmonize the level of cybersecurity among the member states.

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The role of an electronic gadget (Oura ring) to improve well-being

Mitha Rachel Jose

In today’s fast-moving and high-stress work environment, employees are facing huge physical and mental health challenges. These challenges can lead to decreased productivity at work and increased absence. With the assistance of a well-being application, employees can take care of their health and wellness by tracking various health metrics, such as sleep, activity levels, and stress.

Jatka lukemista ”The role of an electronic gadget (Oura ring) to improve well-being”

Hoppet över gränsen

Jenny Jansson

Hoppet – en stödgrupp för svensklärarna vid yrkeshögskolor i Finland arrangerar årligen en träff för intresserade lärare. I år träffades vi i Torneå-Haparanda, en stad som kan upplevas exotisk med sitt gränsöverskridande vardagsliv och flerspråkiga miljöer. En stad – ja, på pappret är de två, men i verkligheten görs det dagligen många hopp över gränsen.

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Innovative learning – International experience

Johanna Hautamäki
Heikki Ahonen
Hiram Bollaert
Katharina Simbeck
Katrin Dziergwa
Philippe Possemiers
Zofia Stawska

The working life and the skills needed are in a big change. COVID-19 has had a profound effect on our lives and the way we work. By moving online, third-level education across the EU has mainly remained open, but merely studying on-line does not develop all skills. With the project StartIT we are providing students more possibilities for internalization and mobility, to connect in person with students from different countries, while learning important future skills for working life with active learning methods.

Jatka lukemista ”Innovative learning – International experience”